What is psychosomatics?
It is a field of medicine that studies the relationship between mind and body, considers the human person as an indivisible unit and pays attention to both the physical manifestation of the disease and the emotional aspect.
It is not always easy to interpret the hidden message that our unconscious sends us on a physical level, but I believe it is important to become aware that perhaps behind our disorder there is a suffering or a wound that has not yet been overcome.
Skin and psychosomatics
The skin cannot be considered merely a 'superficial' organ. It is our largest organ, covering the body to perform various functions, including:
- protection from external physical, mechanical, chemical and microbial factors, acting as a real defensive barrier- synthesis of vitamin D
- has a sensory and secretory action
- thermoregulation of body temperature
We can therefore say that the skin represents a boundary between us and everything that surrounds us. It connects us with others, just think of affection and caresses, it makes us express emotions such as blushing when we feel ashamed or sweating when we are in stressful situations.
This is why, according to psychosomatics , skin problems are related to a situation of inadequacy and/or suffering with the external world.
Acne on the face
It is a skin disease caused by inflammation of the follicles and sebaceous glands. The main causes are generally hormonal and dietary. According to psychosomatics, this inflammation originates from situations where one feels unaccepted by others, leading to self-rejection and low self-esteem. Those who suffer from acne may struggle to connect with others and fear rejection.
They are small red bumps, often associated with feelings of impatience. The presence of pus may indicate repressed anger.
In addition to resorting to the help of natural cosmetics or pharmacological products in more severe cases, it is important to try to interpret the message our body is trying to communicate, delving into our deepest self.
To help understand the origin ask yourself some questions:
“Have I felt anger towards myself, a person or a situation?”“Am I afraid of not being accepted for who I am?”
“I feel like I can’t be myself?”
“Do I have trouble relating to the people around me?”
It can be a process that requires time and a great ability to listen internally, try to understand the hidden message through meditation, relaxing activities, invest in your personal well-being, commit to creating situations that can remove your limitations.
🤎 Do your best and you will see extraordinary benefits! 🤎